Setting up Metamask
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If you already have a MetaMask wallet, jump to the next section to see how to connect your wallet to Avalanche and add AVAX tokens. If you don’t have a MetaMask wallet yet, follow these steps to set it up.
1. Download and install the MetaMask extension on Chrome through the official MetaMask website. Make sure you are using the official website before downloading the extension.
2. You should see the MetaMask fox on the welcome screen after installation. Click [Get Started].
3. Click [Create a Wallet] to create your MetaMask wallet, or click [Import wallet] to import an old wallet using your seed phrase.
4. You’ll be asked whether you want to share anonymous usage data with MetaMask to help them improve the extension. Regardless of your choice, this won’t affect your MetaMask usage.
5. Now create a secure password for your wallet.
6. Before getting started, you need to backup your wallet’s seed phrase. The best practice is to write this seed phrase down and store it in a safe place like a safe deposit box. You don't want to store this digitally in a note or email where someone could get access to it. This seed phrase is what allows you to restore your wallet if you lose access to your device or forget your password. Obviously you do not want anyone else to see this phrase, as they can get control of your wallet and access all your funds and NFTs, if they have this phrase. If you aren’t familiar with how a crypto wallet works, make sure to watch the video and read the information. When you are ready, click [Next].
Store your Key Phrase in a secure location. Anyone with this Key Phrase can access your Avalanche Wallet. There is no way to recover lost Key Phrases.
Do not take a screenshot of your key phrase, or save it on your computer, as it can be vulnerable to hacks.
7. Next, you will receive your seed phrase. Click to reveal the words and write them down in the correct order. You should keep your seed phrase in a few secure offline locations and never share it with anyone.
8. To make sure you’ve backed up the seed phrase correctly, you need to repeat it by selecting the words at the bottom in the right order. Click [Confirm] to proceed.
9. Your MetaMask wallet is now ready to use. Click [All Done] to go to your wallet.
10. You can pin your MetaMask wallet to your Chrome browser for easy access. Click the puzzle icon and then the pin icon next to [MetaMask] to pin it to the toolbar.