VRYNT is built on the AVAX (Avalanche) Blockchain. If you do not have an AVAX Wallet you will need to create one in order to utilize the full functionality of the platform. Make sure to follow all of the steps below to complete the process.
We recommend using MetaMask to connect to the VRYNT Platform.
You can download Metamask here.
Once you have a MetaMask Wallet, you will need to configure it for use on the AVAX blockchain.
You can access the official guide here.
Store your Key Phrase in a secure location. Anyone with this Key Phrase can access your Avalanche Wallet. There is no way to recover lost Key Phrases.
Do not take a screenshot of your key phrase, or save it on your computer, as it can be vulnerable to hacks.
Only you have access to the password & recovery phrase for Metamask. Unlike a bank account, there is no customer service support to help you reset the password if it is lost.
Last updated